Car Driving Learning Mangement system with source code

The public website side of the project for the car driving learning management system shows dynamic data or information. Only the administration at the Admin Panel is able to manage or amend each piece of data. Potential students can read the website's welcome and about pages, which list all the training options the school offers, then enroll after reading them. There are two categories of user roles that can access the admin panel: staff and administrators. The system's administrators have full access to all of its features and functionalities, whilst staff users are only given limited access to that portion of the system. Additionally, the application can produce printed enrollment information and printable date-wise payment summaries.


Name of Project:     Car Driving School Management

Language Used:      PHP

Database Used:      My SQL

Design Interface:    Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser:                  Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge,  

Software:                 WAMP/ XAMPP/ 

About System


How to setup this project

Step 1st. Download xampp PHP Version 8.0.7

Step 2nd. Text editor notepad++ or Sublime

Step 3rd. Download the zip file/ Download winrar

Step 4th. Extract the file and copy “cdsms

” folder

Step 5th. Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C: drive D: drive E: paste: for xampp/htdocs,

Step 6th. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7th. Create database name cdsms_db.sql

Step 8th. Import cdsms_db.sql file given inside the zip package in SQL file folder

Step 9th. Run the script http://localhost/ cdsms

Step 10th. Password: username:admin / password :admin123 


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